The title of this epic theory is:
Dillards broken down into D I L L A R D S with it's corresponding numbers in alphabetical order is 4 9 12 12 1 18 4 19
So remove the Dill and you have ARDS or 1 18 4 19.
1 + 18 + 4 + 19 = 42! AKA candidate KWON *unknown*
Out of Sun Kwon and Jin Kwon, Sun is the only of the two who matches any letters in the original ARDS (1,18.4,19).
I L in Dillards is also 9 and 12. 9x12 = 108! 108 x 3 = the current number of Dillards stores (324)!
In the original D I L L A R D S equation, the number 4 appears twice. 4 originates from 4,8,15,16,23,42. Like I said 4 appears twice, 4x2 = 8. Another of the numbers!
Dillards alphabetized is A D D I L L R S we see the word ADD ILLRS. ILLRS = 9 12 12 18 19. Those added together = 70. 70 - A D D (1, 4, 4) = 61. No significance.
Dillards number of letters divided in half is 4 = one of the numbers. 4,8,15,16,23,42.
Dillards has 8 letters. 8 = one of the numbers. 4,8,15,16,23,42.
Going back to the original formula where D I L L A R D S = 4 9 12 12 1 18 4 19: S - I + D + A = 19 - 9 + 4 + 1 = 15 = one of the numbers! 4,8,15,16,23,42.
Dillards did not sponsor a show called SWEET 16 on MTV. 16 = one of the numbers! 4,8,15,16,23,42.
Dillards operated 2 stores in 1938. 1+9+3+8+2 = 23 = one of the numbers! 4,8,15,16,23,42.
Most of Dillards employees have or will reach the age of 42. 42 = one of the numbers! 4,8,15,16,23,42.
108 minutes it the average time a customer spends in Dillards per month. 108 = the combination of the numbers!
So as you can see I've clearly solved the entire series of Lost. I know I should have tagged this post spoilers, however I wanted you to see that I solved it before the finale and now you when you watch the finale you can just enjoy images of Sawyer taking his shirt off and Kate and Jungle Claire sunbathing all while Jack and Man in Black discuss the actual connection to Dillards.
You're welcome.
this is ridiculous! I thought you actually solved the theory to LOST! hahaha You tricked me! :P
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